The firm agricultural Giuseppe Giordano

The firm agricultural Giuseppe Giordano is situated in Mistretta (Messina) in Scammari place, to 350-450 m [s.l.m]. to a distance from the sea of around 1O [km]; The total surface is of 20 hectares and, beyond to the olives, there am 3 hectares of citrus ground and 2 hectares of indian fig, that occupy the more marginal grounds.All the operations comes practiced with the systems of the agriculture biological, and having the supported firm the CEE rule 2092/ 91 all the products come biological certificates from the ECOCERT Italy. The olive-grove, for a long time present in firm, it invests a currently surface of 15 hectares and represent the more interesting crop sight the tall vocation of the territory and the actual crisis of the citrus plantation.
The traditional fittings have constituted for the more from the qualit Santagatese raised vase [policonico], introduced innovation different years make using Tuscan manpower. The orders are generally irregular, with a density of around 120 plants/ hectares. In the last years have stayed perform of the pruning of reform for the lowering of the head of hair arriving at gradually to the creation of [pendaglie] fertile [ricadenti] toward earth, at the end of effect the harvest facilitated from the tree. In any piece of ground, the reduction of the massive structure of the trees has allowed to effect of the thicken with "Leccino" and "Cerasuola."

After the first experiences somehow evolutionary, in the last years, in firm, is in action a depth tries of change in the formulation and in the management technique of the olivet; in fact, close to the fittings seculars that occupy the areas to more uneven orografic, we any is other, realized with the addresses of the new olives works, with 500 plants for hectare, places on terrestrial or slightly leaning to succession of an intense job of reclamation of the ground. This change has stayed motivated it am from the wish of better the quality of the product that from the awareness that the old olives-works is burdened from tops costs of manpower for the execution of the varied operations (particularly harvest and pruning) and from low productivity to hectare for which he imposes itself a radical change. For this reason, in the 1994, a first hectare of surface revert in intensive olives-works has stayed, using the model agronomic IRO-CNR; From the 1995 in then, other reimpianted has stayed 6 hectares. For better the quality of the oil, to the predominant Santagatese aboriginal of the zone, any has stayed places side by side other what the Ogliarola [messinese], the Biancolilla and the patented [cultivars]: FS17, I77. In such way the firm succeeds to get an oil more good person duration, pi yielded and solid and in the same time not bitter and spicy comparing the consens of the consumers.

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